
I'm Mark Zetter. For more than 25 years I've been in EMS industry working with electronics OEMs from all industries, EMS manufacturers serving nearly every market vertical, and investors and operating companies. I've witnessed enterprise electronics supply chain setbacks and why these events occurred and I've participated in the successes. Along the way I built, and contributed to building, many proprietary technology solutions.
In the early years, my first newsletter in EMS industry, INsight, was widely received. In it I talked about EMS business analysis and trends. The primary audience was investors and enterprise consulting firms with interest in EMS industry matters.

With the INsight newsletter today I hope to publish new content here once or twice a month, sharing some of my experiences, thoughts and lateral thinking on electronic manufacturing services (EMS) and the intersection between strategy and supply chain performance. I'll be publishing some exclusive content here along with personal opinion on content published elsewhere. I imagine a good amount of the outbound links I include in this newsletter will be related subjects and articles I direct you to on my industry advisory site ventureoutsource.com.
You can read about my background and EMS industry experience here. Please subscribe if you want to stay up to date and receive a notice when new content is posted on markzetter.com. By subscribing you automatically get my new posts in your inbox as I publish.